LeFleur Museum District Pedestrian Bridge

Connecting Communities to LeFleur’s Bluff Park through a Pedestrian Bridge Crossing Lakeland Drive

  • The project is led by the State of Mississippi, City of Jackson, Mississippi Department of Transportation, Great City Mississippi Foundation, Mississippi Children's Museum, LeFleur Museum District, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks, WBA Architecture, and Neel-Schaffer Engineering.

  • In Progress

  • LeFleur's Museum District Crossing at Lakeland Drive

  • Estimated Completion in 2026

The LeFleur Museum District is a central hub for outdoor spaces, recreational areas, and diverse museum exhibits for the Jackson Metro Area.

Leaders from Great City Mississippi Foundation have worked alongside the State of Mississippi, City of Jackson, Mississippi Department of Transportation, Mississippi Children’s Museum, LeFleur Museum District, Mississippi Department of Wildlife Fisheries, and Parks, WBA Architecture, and Neel-Schaffer Engineering to design, fundraise, and advocate for the new pedestrian bridge crossing Lakeland Drive.

The bridge is an essential part of the LeFleur Museum District Masterplan. Lakeland Drive, a 8 lane highway, currently divides the park. Once connected all four museums will be accessible to pedestrians at the park including: Mississippi Children’s Museum, MDWFP’s Museum of Natural Science, Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum, and Mississippi Sports Hall of Fame and Museum.

“This is an important piece in ensuring destination tourism for our Mississippi museum assets,” said Susan Garrard, President/CEO of the Mississippi Children’s Museum and Board Chair of the Great City Foundation. “Connecting communities and enhancing pedestrian access to all museums creates new opportunities for exponential growth.”

This future connection advances the Long Range Plan for the Museum Trail: creating a multi-use trail system connecting Mississippi museums across the capital city. This new connection will benefit neighborhoods in Greater Belhaven and LeFleur East with alternative transportation options such as walking, biking, or rolling.


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